Monday, April 1, 2024

Water System and Wood Working by Jacob


High tech new water system panel installed by our technician Norbert.

Low tech labelling system done by your local maintenance guy, which is me.

Toy shelves installed in the back of the beautiful fireplace by me. For handy secret toy storage fun!

beautiful fireplace built by high school shop teacher dib hampton
This table saw was not usable for the maintenance department so they gave it away to Jacob. Jacob took it completely apart and then rebuilt it. Now it runs almost as good as it did back in the 90's.

This jointer sat down in the shop for years broken and without a motor. Jacob saw a corn husker on sale at the local department store, and bought it. Then after installing the nice blue motor from the corn husker into the jointer, and with a lot of elbow grease, this jointer is running almost as well as it used to in the 1980's! Although it took a little research to get the one way two capacitor corn husker motor to run in reverse!



We enjoyed a relaxing Easter weekend remembering all God has done for us. After a very busy March getting ready for Lapilo Day... movies, Easter Egg decorating, Trip to the pool, helping out in nursery, campfire and catching up on my blog and emails updates has been great!

Serious business, this egg decorating! 


Final product!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Lego, Forts, Campfires, Bena Visit, and Swimming fun


For the last few weeks Naomi has been working on rebuilding all her Lego sets to make a little town. And she completed it during our school break!

Naomi and her neighbor friends made a fort at the bottom of this tree in the bushes.

Time for a swim... once during each school break, we get to the pool in town for a fun swim!

Aaron and Jonathan

Campfire every Saturday night with our neighbors... eating waffles and sausages or leftovers, whatever we have on hand... kids play while the adults talk.... and sometimes we have guesthouse guests join us as well!

And sometimes we have friends come join us too!

Speaking of friends... I enjoy having a visit from Piku, a lady who I used to work with at Interface in the Bena, just a 20-30 minute drive away. She named her daughter after me... and so I enjoy being able to support their family, by selling bilums (string bags) for them.

Piku (Beth's mom), me and Beth (now 18 years old!)

Friday, March 22, 2024

Lapilo Day festivites


Our second R66 Helicopter was dedicated during our Lapilo Day Festivities. We are thankful for all that Ethnos360 Aviation does here in PNG to help so many missionaries get in and out of their tribal locations!

They also did a sling load demonstration... quite amazing how it is done!

The kids enjoyed a water slide too!

Conference Food Prep!


We are gearing up to make snacks and desserts for our NTM Centre... we had a day of encouragement from the Word and fun activities planned for all ages. Here Georgie, Fiona and I are making chocolate chip cookies, 200 of them!

We also made brownies and my grandma's recipe of Peanut Butter bars. We were so thankful to be able to use the old Interface 40 Quart mixer and Commercial convection oven. We finished making snacks and desserts for about 185 in one day!

We have been making sloppy joe meat and BBQ chicken for a few weeks now. And now we have bought our veggies and the fridge is full, ready to go!

The ladies were quite excited to be able to mix 5 times the recipe for hamburger buns in the mixer at the same time!

We all made hamburger buns!

Serving meals in the gym... ready to go!

About Me

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Enjoying life where God has me... currently in Papua New Guinea cooking and loving life with my husband, Jacob, my son, Jonathan and my daughter, Naomi.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia
Amazing view from our back porch!